The rugs make your home or an interior great way to accent your floor. The rugs give our home a little bit of personality. However, the rugs not much cheap but this makes the atmosphere of our home homey. Therefore, you need to take care of or handle the rugs. If you want to comfort with a rug in every moment you need to know how to clean rugs on the hardwood floor.
We are going to know the best way to clean the rug. If you want to keep your rugs fresh and clean as possible, you must know the cleaning process. Therefore, for the cleaning process, you need some materials or ingredient for the cleaning process.
1. Vacuum cleaner,
2. Water supply and hose,
3. Bucket for store fresh or dirty water,
4. Mild shampoo for a wash,
5. Brush for scrub the rug,
6. Squeegee.
We just need to follow the below steps for better cleaning. If you do the process well, you can clean at any time when you want.
Some people do the same mistake and that is they beat the rugs to clean the extra dust. Nevertheless, for the mistake, your rug can get lose all particles. Therefore, don’t do that with your rug. The woven threads come loose if you will do that mistake. Some of the rugs can be ripped off from the backing; especially if the rug is, have low quality. Therefore, you can gently dust off from your rug.
The vacuum can remove all types of dust from the rugs. Not just the dust, the vacuum can rip off the dust, dirt, and debris. You can use the vacuum on two sides of the rug. Don’t use the broken vacuum, if you do that the rug can get damage.
You should handle your rug and need to proper care when you will clean by vacuum. We will suggest, do the cleaning at least once in a week or once every two weeks.
When you are ready to clean your rug with shampoo, you have to check its making ingredient. Some shampoo and cleaner have harsh chemical so if you use those harmful chemicals for cleaning, your rug can damage. The rugs usually make with dyes so if you use any harsh chemical for cleaning your rugs can be easily bleed or are discolor! Therefore, before cleaning just check or test your solution.
You can use solution for rug cleaning. Scrub the solution in the rug with the soft-bristle brush and clean properly. Use the solution gently top of the rug surface and let it for the set. Then rinse the rug and let it dry well. Keep mind there no any solution sign should left.
After cleaning will be done, you need to get rid of excess water as much as possible. You can use a squeegee to help absorb the excess water from the rug. In addition, if you don’t remove excess the water your rug can damp and fall in the attack of bacteria.
The damp rug can harm your hardwood floors and the wet rug can transfer the color into the hardwood floor.
You have to check that after cleaning is done the rug need to properly care for the drying process. You need to allow your rug to dry naturally itself. Both sides need to properly dry.
In case, if you spill liquid on your rug, use a dry cloth or paper towel on the affected area immediately. If you don’t do that, the spill or stain will get set and get harder. Therefore, you need to absorb the stain faster.
Moreover, you can use the steamer to get rid of dust or dirty things from your rug. Before clean with a steamer, make sure that your hardwood floor cover with plastic or waterproof barrier.
Those all cleaning factor will help you to get all dust from the rug. Hope those all steps will help you what you need.